Precision prospecting™  for sales teams

Stop wasting time on the

Wrong Accounts

Take Action on the Right Accounts at the Right Time.

Take Action on the Right Accounts at the Right Time.
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Our Platform Has Supported Sales Teams At
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What data do you want?

Here's an example (observability platform)

Target Industry: SaaS Companies

Target Headcount: 1000-10000


  • Observability tools
  • Architecture/frameworks
  • DevOps team growth
  • Building GenAI

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  • Testing assumptions and approaches with gut feelings or manual data correlation.
  • Forecasting is tough, balancing different data tools and navigating a changing market
  • Reps spending too much time manually researching and prioritizing accounts

Precision Prospecting™



  • Check Mark
    Easily test assumptions with multiple research and scoring models, aligning strategy and execution.
  • Check Mark
    Use real-time signals correlated with past wins to forecast with precision
  • Check Mark
    Automatically prioritized accounts with actionable research, enabling faster sales cycles and giving reps more time to close revenue


  • Feeling like a mediator between reps and leadership, seeing the disconnect between strategy and execution
  • Sales teams unknowingly overlook accounts in buying mode because they can't monitor all accounts at all times.
  • Reconciling data from multiple platforms and managing a fragmented toolstack. Time-consuming, error-prone, and frustrating.

Precision Prospecting™



  • Check Mark
    Reps and leadership aligned on the same signal-based strategy, planning and executing in sync
  • Check Mark
    Automatically scan for new signals and email relevant accounts, maximizing meeting and deal opportunities.
  • Check Mark
    One platform that guides your team in the right direction, eliminating unnecessary complexity. Focus on strategy and fine-tuning one tool, not a multitude of tools.


  • Leadership’s expectations not lining up with the reality of the day-to-day grind
  • Account data that is either too noisy or too quiet to act on
  • Manual work to determine which accounts are worth your time

Precision Prospecting™



  • Check Mark
    Get leadership on the same page with a reality check on the true nature of your market. Execute together, not against each other!
  • Check Mark
    Insights connecting past wins with current events so you can engage accounts in unique ways
  • Check Mark
    Accounts automatically prioritized for quick sales cycles, supported by actionable research
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How Precision Prospecting™ Works

3 simple steps to go from insight to action


Pick your signals (and their importance)

Point your team towards companies that have faster sales cycles and larger contract values

  • Check Mark icon
    Fully configurable to match your picture of a good prospect
  • Check Mark icon
    Custom insights built out specifically for your team
  • Check Mark icon
    Scan all publicly available data - never miss a beat
Pick your signals (and their importance)Pick your signals (and their importance)
Analyze your market landscapePick your signals (and their importance)

Analyze your market landscape

Understand how big your market really is, and what % of your account base is workable

  • Check Mark icon
    Accurately see how many accounts exhibit each signal
  • Check Mark icon
    Rapidly test hypotheses on different signals
  • Check Mark icon
    Reps executing on the same signals as leadership is testing

Eliminate the time from insight to action

When a priority account is surfaced, it gets worked immediately.

  • Check Mark icon
    Contact data for the correct personas automatically populated in the CRM
  • Check Mark icon
    Signals connected to relevant multi-channel copy
  • Check Mark icon
    Reps spend their time on calls, social, and followups - not list building or data cleansing
Eliminate the time from insight to actionPick your signals (and their importance)
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Opnbx fits perfectly into your existing tool stack

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Our Clients Speak


“Before Opnbx, I was spending so much time on account research and manually compiling contact lists that it was hard to get a personal touch into my outreach. Now, Opnbx compiles all the company research and contact info, putting it right at my fingertips so I can spend the time crafting quality messages and keep the human touch in tact at scale.”

Taj Mellor

Taj Mellor

Prospect and Enablement Development, Datavolo

"Opnbx was part of a complete overhaul we did of our sales development process last year. We’ve increased our conversion rate by 36%, and a big piece of that was our sales reps being able to context switch quickly between use cases and get more high-quality touches out to more prospects."

Carlos Naranjo

Carlos Naranjo

Director of Sales, Vial

“Before Opnbx I was doing a lot of manual prospecting. LinkedIn messaging worked well, but was taking too long going 1 by 1. Now, Opnbx is delivering me good contacts and pre-written personalized messages. I’m spending more time on conversations, and less on manual research."

Kemi Levi

Kemi Levi

CEO, Pangia

"I was unsure which vendor to go with here. After evaluating a few companies, I decided to work with Opnbx because of the support I’ve received throughout the sales and onboarding process. This team is invested in our success and is putting in the hours to help us build out a scalable sales motion."

Alex Jagiello

Alex Jagiello

Director, Commercial Sales , Descope

"At first I was skeptical about the promises Opnbx made. I’ve tried for years to get my hands on the data they were talking about, but have been let down time and time again by vendors. But Opnbx delivered. My search for specific insights on company’s data analytics capabilities has come to an end, and I am now focusing on using this data to find and close deals."

Ryan Buick

Ryan Buick

Co-Founder, Canvas

"The industry I sell to (residential services) is known for having terrible B2B data. A lot of providers have failed us in the past - we’ve had to rely on events and networking for most of our sales. Opnbx is the first company to surface good accounts and contacts for us to target, and have been key as we build a scalable outbound motion."

Jess Reagan

Jess Reagan

CRO & Cofounder, Gamify
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Start targeting the right accounts today

Take Action on the Right Accounts at the Right Time with Precision Prospecting™

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